I Say Dontcha Worry…About A Ting!

You know how it goes. The song by Bob Marley.

“Don’t worry about a thing,
‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin’: “Don’t worry about a thing,
‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right!”

I was listening to this recently and it really struck a chord with me. There are sooooo many things I could be worrying about right now.

I’m sure you’re the same way. I mean, the list could go on forever.

But what’s the point?

What if we just stopped worrying about stuff? What if we just fell back on the thought (as Bob so eloquently put it) that everything is going to turn out just fine.

It usually DOES turn out just fine. There’s no need to rack your brain about it.

Let’s just chill out a little & enjoy the ride.

Just spend all your money traveling

So here’s the thing: you want to travel, but it’s kinda expensive.

Here’s the solution: travel your heart out and don’t worry about it.

When you travel, you experience new shit and get new ideas that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. And when you get new ideas, your life goes in new directions and stuff happens that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

So far in my experience, the older I get the more money I make. Most likely, it’ll stay like that.

If I can travel around and get an infusion of fresh ideas all the time, then my money-making curve can only increase I think right? I mean, I’ll never be makin less money than I am now.

So might as well have fun, spend money, travel, see new shit, and get rich quicker, right?

Bon voyage

Just How Valuable Is Great Content?

For a few years now there’s been lotsa talk about the value of great content — particularly in web.

As an SEO (SEO stands for search engine optimization), I can barely go a day without hearing or reading the mantra, “Content is king” — and I agree with it whole-heartedly.

But let’s take a minute to examine it a little more closely..

What happens when you make really, really great content?

If you make really great content, it’s easy to get a ton of web traffic for free.

Just look at a sites like TextsFromLastNight.com or CollegeHumor.

These guys don’t spend money on advertising! And they’re not brilliant SEOs or social media marketers either. They just have AWESOME content (and plenty of it).

When people find it they’ll be compelled to link to it, share it, or otherwise promote it for them. And they now have avalanches of free visitors everyday.

In my business, one of the major things we do is create content for companies. And that’s the way I populate all of the other internet properties I own.

I’m always looking for ways to create great content, but I’ve learned that there’s no faking it.

You have to spend time, effort, and resources to get it done and our clients pay us pretty handsomely to do it for them. More >

Running An SEO Company Is Hard, Man!

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever tried to do?

Have you ever run a marathon? Climbed a mountain? Saved somebody from a burning building?

The hardest thing I’VE ever done — and something that I’m STILL doing on a DAILY basis — is running an SEO company.

There’s just SO many freakin’ moving parts. It’s insane.

First things first

One of the most difficult (and important) things that I do is the client stuff. I mean, we have to make money, right?

It’s a bit difficult to make money if you’ve got no clients. Or if all of your clients are pissed off at ya’.

So that’s the first thing.

Not only do we have to 1) find [potential] clients — but then we also have to 2) set-up meetings with [potential] clients, and 3) convince [potential] clients to give us money —

But then we have to 4) create strategies for the clients, 5) do TONS of research for clients, 6) implement the initial recommendations, 7) document, track & report back, and 8) continually build & maintain their sites on a monthly basis.

Just WRITING this right now is tiring!

Second things second

The funny thing is — there really is no one second thing. Clients, results, ROI & cash is DEFINITELY the first thing, but the second thing is

  • Recruiting
  • Training
  • Hiring
  • Firing
  • Billing
  • Invoicing
  • Accounting

And about a million other little things. I’m literally getting sleepy right now!

So why do I do it?

Because I love it.

  • I love the industry.
  • I love the clients.
  • I love the money.
  • I love when we’re successful.
  • I love being my own boss.
  • I love my employees.
  • I love my business partner (visit his blog)

But I’ll tell you one thing, though…I sure am working a lot harder than I ever did when I had a job, that’s for sure.

Running an SEO company is HARD WORK!

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